Friday, August 14, 2009

Newf in Grass

OK, you're feeling a little guilty.... you haven't had time to groom your Newfy in a while. The way the economy has been lately, you are happy you have work and glad that work has been so demanding lately, and you know you will have time, maybe on Sunday, to get a chance to brush out your Newfoundland. His ears are growing long and you think to yourself that he used to look like he had more neck. He is growing up and he finally looks more..... mature, more.... filled-out.... and maybe he could use a trim, but you just haven't had time. The car needed new tires, the yard needed weeding. You had to pay some bills online, and the laundry was piling up.... but the dog, he could use a bath.... if you could only find the shampoo and scissors, man that coat grows so fast, maybe the dog show supplements are finally working and the dog is not shedding as much as before. Yes, he sleeps a lot, yes, he is patient, the winter has come and gone, the summer has come and gone.... I think it's time to groom the dog now.............. Have you seen my brush? 

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